Prismatic Healing

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New World Energy

Have you ever felt yourself transforming from primordial goo into a new, unfamiliar form?

It's weird

It feels like heartache

It feels like anger

As the slop of your old self starts taking on a new shape, you might feel like you want to slowly walk into a muddy pond and drown, but don't do it

Stay with the pain of change

You're here in a human form because you wanted to feel it

You wanted access to every essence imaginable

You wanted to be permeated by the energy of every experience

Remind yourself of these truths often

You're here on Earth during a revolutionary consciousness shift

It's going to hurt

Seek the pleasure in your pain

Discover adventure in the struggle

Be amused when things don't go the way you thought they would

or when you find yourself resisting ascension into the higher harmonics of living

In the old world, responsibility and action meant hard work, sacrifice, hidden misery

In the new world, those things mean freedom, expansion, ecstasy

Which world do you see around you?

How do you see the New World qualities showing up in your life?

. . .

This post is a note to myself as much as it is a note to you.

Since the astrological events of Halloween last year, my guides have been telling me to get comfortable with loneliness, to redefine it for myself. During my last initiation with Amira, she told me I would lose friends as I spiral upward. I had to take a break from posting and creating for the past few months because the energetic changes occurring within me did leak out into my relationships and I couldn’t see straight, blinded by the primordial goo of my old self.

In a psilocybin trip last winter, guides clarified to me the importance of relating ourselves to others, of finding humans who act as shimmering reflections of the parts within us that we don’t fully understand or are afraid of or maybe they reflect parts of ourselves that we don’t even know at all, hidden in the darkness of our unconscious mind.

Since then, I’ve seen reflections in the mirrors of my relationships that have been both distorted and glaringly clear. I’ve learned that loneliness doesn’t necessarily mean sinking into a deep longing for company.

Loneliness means standing in your power, speaking your truth, feeling deeply, knowing what you want, not apologizing for who you are.

Loneliness means walking the path that belongs to YOU.

We all have one. Sometimes our paths become parallel with others. Yes, sometimes they merge. In the new world, our personal paths are lined with more light. We can see where we’re being led. We’re less likely to get lost.

Along with the illumination comes more beauty, abundance, amusement, adventure. The road is easier to travel because we understand the twists and turns, we enjoy the present moment, we trust.

And only then do we discover that the loneliness is an illusion after all. We walk on separate paths but we’re connected by invisible threads, like mycelium networks winding us together on a journey through the human experience.

Where do you think we’re going?

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