Connect with Higher Consciousness and have a conversation with the hidden aspects of your personality, behaviors, experiences and problems

Have you ever wished you could shrink down really small and literally explore the hidden information held in your subconscious mind?

Wouldn’t it be amazing if you could just open a door or lift a veil to reveal the mysterious truths of your reality?

with Guided Inner-Journeying, you can

Inner-Journeying is a transformative healing experience that empowers you to connect with Higher Consciousness and gain insights about your experiences, behaviors and problems. The opportunity for clarity and greater awareness helps to free you of fear, confusion or inertia. You’ll create more capacity within yourself to face anything life has in store for you.

The Guided Inner-Journey taps into a natural healing phenomenon that your imagination already knows how to do

It’s an empowering tool that reminds your soul how to connect with Higher Consciousness and have a conversation with the hidden aspects of your personality, behaviors, experiences and problems.

An Inner-Journey is not meditation or hypnosis

It’s more like a guided lucid dream

In these sessions you take a conscious voyage to non-physical or “non-ordinary” reality. With a little guidance, your imagination can act like a bridge or antenna to gather information, insights and assistance relating to your experiences that wouldn’t be so easy to see or understand from the perspective of your rational thinking mind.

Benefits of a Guided Inner-Journey:

  • Inner Child healing

  • reduce the harmful impacts of past traumas

  • restructure limiting beliefs

  • meet spirit guides and teachers

  • sharpen your intuition

  • strengthen your connection to self & soul

  • harmonize the energy of your relationships

  • transform problematic emotions or habits

  • revive your spirit from dull or stuck energy

  • return to personal wholeness

For more detailed information about how Guided Inner-Journeying works and what happens in these sessions, check out my blog post here


Guided Inner-Journey sessions can be done in person or virtually from anywhere in the world. Both options offer the same level of potency and insights. The only added benefit of in-person is that you get to do it in my beautiful treatment room!

I allot two hours for every Guided Inner-Journey session so that we have plenty of time for pre and post-session discussion and the opening induction. The time it takes to traverse the Journey itself is unpredictable. Sometimes all the healing and information you need can happen swiftly with minimal effort and sometimes there are many layers of resistance, trauma, and insights to investigate. If there is any extra time at the end of the Journey it will be filled with Reiki, where you can just relax, receive and integrate any energetic shifts that were activated during the session.

Click Below To Book Your Guided Inner-Journey Now

If you know you have a complicated issue, deep-seated behavior pattern or something big you’d like to work on,

I recommend considering the Paradigm Shift Package