The Catalyst Package

Are you feeling stuck, confused, complacent, frustrated, disassociated, or afraid of the future? This package is designed to help you get over those feelings and move ahead in your life with confidence, grace and ease.

Get an in-depth Therapeutic Tarot reading followed by two Psychic Reiki sessions, all within the course of three weeks.

From the Tarot you’ll gain insights to support your emotions and decisions. From the Reiki you’ll experience balancing and grounding in your physical and energetic bodies. Combined, this creates room for inner-harmony and more capacity to make progress.

It’s time to catalyze positive growth and change in your life!

The sessions in this package can be done in-person or virtually from anywhere in the world. Both options offer the same level of potency and insights. The only added benefit of in-person is that you get to do it in my beautiful treatment room!

Click Below To Book The Catalyst Package Now

this package consists of three sessions intended to be used consecutively over three weeks