Expose Your Inner Shadow Government

You live in a holographic universe. Your inner world reflects your outer world. If you believe you live under the rule of a corrupt government and you wish for these institutions to be dismantled and the nefarious players exposed, then you MUST be willing to explore the hidden powers that are ruling YOU.

Your Shadow is made up of subconscious programming, belief systems and undesired facets of yourself. Very often, these become complexes that govern your behaviors, habits, personality traits, emotional responses, decision making and actions. When the Shadow is allowed to function without your awareness, it becomes just like an Inner Shadow Government that oppresses your True Nature and holds you back from reaching your full potential.

<img src="https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5e10da1cbf96d16d1dbcee84/1609785625011-66I2WCY8H2LK7BW8WWPC/shadow+gov.jpg" alt="shadow gov.jpg" />

shadow gov.jpg

In mystical and magical philosophies, we are taught to see everything in life as a mirror of ourselves. We can shape and mold our outer, collective reality by working on creating an inner-reflection of the improved world we desire to live in. When we choose to explore and integrate our own personal Shadow, this act of healing will eventually be reflected in the collective Shadow as well.

The more of us who adventure into the depths of our personal darkness with an attitude of curiosity, a willingness to expose and dismantle what is weighing us down and holding us back, the stronger the possibility becomes that humanity will witness a transformation that results in justice, harmony, personal sovereignty and genuine freedom.

If you’re ready to dismantle your Shadow Governments and change the world, consider joining a cycle of my Lunar Shadow Rites program. It’s a sacred, safe, 5 week vessel guided by me through Reiki, Tarot and Moon Magick, designed to help you expose and explore your Shadow with fearless curiosity.

The next cycle starts THIS THURSDAY 1/7 but there’s still time to sign up

Lunar Shadow Rites


Your Triggers Are a Portal
