the web of loose connective tissue within the human body is often compared to a spider’s web
Connective tissue is the most abundant and widespread type of tissue in your body. It takes many forms including (but not limited to) bone, blood and cartilage. While all of these connective tissue variants can be a contributing factor in the mystery of your pain, we’ll be focusing mainly on the category of loose connective tissue for this article.
The very thin web of loose connective fascial tissue runs through and around literally EVERYTHING in your body and has a huge impact on pain. Yet, this thin web of tissue is rarely addressed with traditional massage techniques.
Connective fascial tissue is not attached to bone so it cannot be stretched like muscle tissue, however the thin connective tissue can still get adhesions and hold tension. Connective fascial tissue holds structure within your body, keeps your organs in their proper location and also acts as a pathway for the electricity of emotions and Life Force energy to move through you.
Whenever you encounter extremely strong, impactful emotions or mental traumas, the connective fascial tissue often responds with very subtle clenching or torsion patterns that block the flow of this powerful emotional, mental or spiritual energy. This happens in order to protect you in the moment from experiencing extreme overwhelm due to the intensity of the situation.
Something I talk about and teach all the time is the fact that unprocessed emotions and past traumas can get “stuck” in the body. And the web of thin connective fascial tissue is usually where this “stuckness” first begins. Eventually the tension and trapped energy might manifest as aches and chronic pains, or dysfunction in certain organs and systems, or disorders in the mood and mind, or it might affect your posture and your gait.
It’s very common for my clients to come in with pains that seem to be a mystery to them. They’ll say “It’s so weird!” or “I don’t understand why it’s happening.” I even frequently hear about pain that seems to bounce around the body with no noticeable or obvious pattern. These types of comments are indicators to me that there is an underlying emotional component to the issue, and there is likely tension, torsion, adhesions and “stuckness” lodged into the web of connection fascial tissue.
If you’re experiencing sensations of tightness, tenderness, discomfort or pain that don’t have an obvious onset or that mysteriously move around your body, it could be helpful for you to consider how your body might be holding onto the energy of a past traumatic event. Or perhaps you’ve been repressing your own authentic emotions, needs or desires. Maybe you’re internalizing fears, judgements, grief or anger. All of these things are extremely normal.
Your human unconscious mind and energy body enact these types of patterns as a protective mechanism so that you can continue functioning in daily life without feeling overwhelmed. Simply bringing these possibilities up into your conscious awareness can already help to reduce your pain or discomfort.
You can even take a moment to send gratitude for these protective patterns your body has created. Many people automatically feel resentment, annoyance or hatred toward their body when they realize what their body has been doing. Choosing gratitude instead will make it much easier for your body to release these patterns and for you to make new decisions around how you care for and support your well-being.
Once you recognize these patterns at play, there are simple actions you can take to begin moving the general trapped energies and quite possibly diminish your pain.
FREE MOVEMENT Dance, flail, spin, stomp, wiggle, roll around, shimmy, sway! Just move! Allow yourself to have fun with it. Put on some music and move freely, with no agenda, until your body feels satisfied.
VOCAL TONING Making long drawn out sound vibrates your voice through the connective tissue and can potentially break-up stuckness. Yelling, moaning, laughing and singing have the same effect. As much as you can, let it be unemotional. Just make sounds with the intention of vibrating the sound through your body.
BREATHWORK There are many types of breathwork techniques and all of them have the potential to help reduce your pain. Simply taking long, slow, intentional deep breaths can be helpful. For an even more potent experience, try Box Breathing, Diaphragmatic Breathing, Alternate Nostril Breathing or any of the other various breathing techniques out there. Deep breaths are a fantastic way to move stuckness, adhesions and tension out of the connective tissue system.
ORGASMS can be a wonderful tool for moving stuck tension or energy that’s causing general pain. In order for it to be therapeutic, I recommend being very intentional as you build yourself up to the orgasm. Be sure you’re maintaining a steady connection with your breath throughout the process. Try to keep your body soft and hold your awareness on your body rather than fantasizing or dissociating. It can help to do this practice in the dark or by candlelight. Once you reach climax, imagine the tension flowing out of your body like a stream or waterfall, or perhaps some other imagery will suit you better. Afterward, gently stroke your skin in an upward or downward direction and thank your body for releasing. Bonus if you can then soak in a warm epsom salt bath!
SALT BATHS Speaking of baths, warm epsom salt soaks can be very helpful for releasing generalized tension and pain from the connective tissues. Adding baking soda will also address the subtle energy body for ultimate neutralization and rebalancing. I know this option isn’t accessible to everyone. If you can’t take a bath for whatever reason, don’t worry about it. Try one of the other options instead!
All of these options also have the added benefit of potentially reducing any anxiety or fear you may be experiencing due to your discomfort or pain. Which one are you most compelled to try?
Your body will tell you what it wants (or doesn’t want), so pay attention to any thoughts or sensations that arise as you read over the suggestions above.
This article has covered some reasons and simple solutions to cope with general mysterious or chronic pain that doesn’t seem to have a specific onset or pattern.
Stay tuned for more of this series, where I’ll cover specific areas of the body. Together we’ll explore the different symbolic, metaphysical and lesser-known physical reasons you might be experiencing pain in certain areas like the neck, feet, shoulders and hips.
Wishing you harmony and ease,
Amber Renee
DISCLAIMER: none of the information in this article should be used as a substitute for professional medical advice, medication or procedures.