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How to become a Reiki Master 

Is becoming a Reiki master part of your life’s plan? A perfect plan for your life has always been present and waiting for you. This plan is exactly what is good, right, and healthy for you. If becoming a Reiki master is within you, then you already have a plan to accomplish this that comes from your core essence. In fact, you can follow this plan with Reiki's guidance, since your true spiritual path lies in this plan.

Reiki Master 

In order to benefit from Reiki's most wonderful benefits, we must honor and respect it. There are many benefits of Reiki, including the ability to heal ourselves and others, which is deeply meaningful in and of itself. Our limitless potential can also be realized through Reiki, which provides opportunities for growth, unfoldment, and awakening. 

Those who pursue the path of the study to become a Reiki master will experience joy, peace, and abundance. This is because Reiki provides the healing that our planet so desperately needs. People who have been initiated into Reiki often feel this greater potential and aspire to continue on to the Advanced and Master levels.

How to become a Reiki Healer 

Preparation is necessary before becoming a Reiki Master. The first step in learning Reiki is to take Reiki I&II then to continue onto more advanced Reiki training. You should meditate on your life purpose and decide whether Reiki Mastership is in alignment with it. If you decide to study Reiki, it is important to find a Reiki Master who you feel attuned to and who will continue to support you after you have become a Reiki Master. 

When you become a Reiki Master, you are able to initiate others into Reiki. It is therefore important to find a teacher who will spend time in class helping you practice the attunement process. Some teachers spend little or no time practicing the attunements in class. So, before deciding on a Reiki teacher, ask them how much support they are willing to provide on an ongoing basis.

Reiki Training Levels 

The first step when learning about Reiki is to become a practitioner. A Reiki practitioner is attuned by a Reiki master, who opens energy channels in their body during the initial attunement. 

After completing Reiki practitioner training then it is possible to become a Reiki Master with additional training. A Reiki master is someone who has completed an apprenticeship and additional rituals that are related to Reiki. 

Reiki training traditionally takes place at different levels:

  • A first-degree attunement allows someone to practice Reiki on themselves and others through touch.

  • The second degree allows someone to practice distance Reiki without having to touch someone directly, and it gives more specific techniques for channeling energy.

  • People with the third degree, also called Master level, learn how to communicate with the intelligent consciousness within the Life Force and work in co-creation with it. Spirit Guides and psychic abilities become stronger at this level.

  • In the fourth degree, or Teacher level, people are able to give attunements to others.

It should be noted that State licensing requirements do not exist in the USA, and there is no national certification exam. This is true community healing. Every Reiki practitioner has a direct connection with their Reiki lineage. When you receive a Reiki attunement from a Master in Usui Reiki, they should know the direct line of Masters from their own teacher all the way back to Mikao Usui himself.

Reiki Certification 

Reiki certification training has many benefits. Your healing abilities will be enhanced by the additional healing energy, symbols, techniques, and knowledge. All aspects of treating yourself, giving yourself and others healing attunements and treating others in person and remotely will improve. In fact, Reiki training increases the vibration of the whole planet as each person increases their personal vibration.

Reiki can be passed on to friends and family. It is for this reason that many people seek a Reiki certification in Master training. If you decide to teach formally, you will be able to do so after becoming a Reiki master. 

Teaching as a Reiki Master 

Teaching Reiki to others is one of the greatest joys of Reiki Mastership. Watching your Reiki class members receive Reiki energy during the attunement must be thrilling. Once they experience its gentle power flowing through them for the first time, share in their joy and amazement as you guide them in its use. 

You will all develop a wonderful sense of spiritual connection as your students use Reiki to help family, friends, and clients. Your compassion and love for everyone will be strengthened as you merge with Reiki Consciousness. 


Reiki Attunements are a sacred meditative process in which the Master Teacher uses a simple ritual to connect the student’s energy field directly to the frequency of the Life Force energy. We are all born connected to this energy, but traumas and distractions throughout life can distort our energy field and weaken our connection to it. Receiving a Reiki Attunement helps to harmonize any energetic distortions, refining the energy field and naturally bringing the student into alignment with this powerful Life Force energy. The specifics of the attunement process are kept hidden except to those who have committed themselves to the Reiki path and are ready to teach others. Anyone who chooses to become a Reiki Master Teacher can learn all about the mysteries and mysticism of the Reiki Attunement from their teacher.

Reiki Guidance 

Reiki will guide you more and more in making important decisions as you treat yourself and others and as you use Reiki to meditate. Sometimes, when you practice Reiki, you will do things that don't make sense or don't appear to conform to what you think you should do. This is not cause for concern and is all a part of the process of discovering your intuition through Reiki. Your life will change in ways that will bring greater harmony and feelings of real happiness as you trust more and more in the Reiki's guidance, by letting go of what your ego thinks it needs to be happy and by humbly surrendering to Reiki's love.

Being alive brings with it the desire to grow and discover the deeper truths of life. Growth is the one activity that all living things share, as we observe the world around us. All living things grow, and one could even say that the purpose of life is to grow, since this is what living things do. The desire to grow in Reiki potential is therefore a natural expression of one's essence and of life itself. Honor and respect this desire as you study Reiki if you feel it in your heart. As a result, an innate need will be fulfilled on your educational pathway. 

Reiki services are available at Prismatic Healing 

The owner of Prismatic Healing, Amber Renee, offers a variety of massage services to her clients. As a Reiki Master Teacher, Amber is able to provide non-traditional massage, psychic reiki healings, as well as intuitive tarot readings. 

Whether it's deep relaxation, stress reduction, chakra balancing, or spiritual transformation that you're seeking, schedule a session today to experience Pirsmatic’s Healing services for yourself. There is a wealth of knowledge about energy and body healing to be found with Amber Renee at Prismatic Healing.