Prismatic Healing

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Hump Day Reading (Oct 28 - Nov 4 2020)

<img src="" alt="THIS WEEKS CARDS: Temperance reversed from The Dali Tarot deck and Reflections, Looking Back, Hindsight from the Oracle of Visions deck" />

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THIS WEEKS CARDS: Temperance reversed from The Dali Tarot deck and Reflections, Looking Back, Hindsight from the Oracle of Visions deck

If you feel topsy-turvy … like you're living in the upside down … you will find patience ... you will be centered and grounded … by remembering that this whole existence … this entire reality ... is but a projection … a greater force exists beyond the illusion of your reality … let this give you calm … stop trying to imagine brand new things based on what you know from the past … the past haunts … be centered in the chaos

Temperance reversed: you may be feeling challenged by change or resistant to shifts that are already occurring. you could be finding it difficult to be centered right now. accepting yourself and your circumstances in the present moment will help you to move through these changes with integrity, and perhaps stoak your power to alter the shifts more in your favor.

Reflections, Looking Back, Hindsight: due to this overwhelming sense of uncertainty, you could be self-soothing or getting stuck on loops of past-thinking, reminiscing, comparing now and the future to what is familiar, what you already know. this habit is creating more chaos within you and squeezing the life out of new potential outcomes for your future. make room for pleasant surprises by pulling your imagination out of the past.

Decks: The Dali Tarot + Oracle of Visions

Hump Day Reading for October 28 - November 4 2020 + this reading is timeless and relevant to the reader no matter when they come across it, so mote it be