A surreal photo collage of Amber surrounded by many of the animal species she works with in her healing practice, including her cat familiar Dario.
Dear Prismatic Beings,
I’m an animal person. Animals of all species bring me endless joy. Growing up, my family always had multiple pets. And I literally cannot function without a cat by my side. I’m always the one at the party who’s off hanging out with the pets instead of the humans. So it comes as no surprise that I now work very closely with animal medicine in my energy healing practice.
When I was in training for my Medical Intuition certification with Tina Zion, she led us through a guided meditation to meet a specific spirit guide for the practice. When I connected, I was met first by a plain looking young womxn who was wearing a lab coat and holding a clip board. She told me she’s a veterinarian and then proceeded to move out of the frame of my vision, followed by a huge parade of every animal you can imagine! It was, and still is to this day, one of the most delightful communications I’ve had in the astral realms.
I “see” different animals in my clients’ energy fields in almost every single reading I do.
Each animal species embodies a pure essence of a particular expression of life, which makes them extremely meaningful symbols for us.
When an animal crosses your path or catches your awareness, you can bet there is a message to be interpreted from their presence.
Various animals come in and out of our lives with their medicine to aid us through a phase or transformation and we also have a few animal essences that are with us for life. This relates to the "spirit animal" or "totem animal" in Indigenous tradition, albeit without the full Indigenous context. I think we all can think of at least one animal that we are extremely drawn to or identify with. Whenever we find ourselves intrigued, enthralled (or even repelled) by a certain type of animal, it is because the essence of that animal is attempting to bring us a lesson, to deepen our understanding of something or to support us in some way.
Years ago I worked with a shaman to learn how to journey, and met my animal guide: a wise female Lynx. I also work closely with snakes, rats, rabbits, bats, cockroaches (they represent resilience ok!!), frogs and most recently, the Mantis beings.
Take a moment to research the symbolism of an animal you love (or maybe one you’re really scared of or disgusted by) - you may be surprised at how the symbolic wisdom of that creature resonates with you. If you want to connect deeper with the essence of an animal, study its behaviors, habitats and diet, surround yourself with pictures of the animal, practice moving how the animal moves, invoke its essence within you and notice how it helps you feel empowered and supported.
What’s your favorite animal medicine to work with? Have you met your personal astral animal assistant?
If you’re curious about what animals might be supporting you in the spirit realms, book a Reiki session or a Tarot reading with me.
Photo collage created by me