Reiki is a Lifestyle

There’s a common misconception about Reiki, because it’s so easy to earn the title of Reiki Master.

A lot of people get their Third Level Reiki certification and believe that they’ve mastered the art of energy healing, when in fact “mastering Reiki” has little to do with the outward practice.

To embody the role of Reiki Master, one must become Master of the Self.

A true Reiki Master has mastered their own energy and is capable of remaining centered, grounded and clear in any environment or situation.

That’s why Reiki is so much more than a healing modality - it’s a lifestyle.

No one can claim genuine mastership of this craft unless they’ve traveled the path of self recovery and reclamation.

Reiki training offers a clear path that leads to self discovery and self mastery, and this is especially true when your quest is bolstered by a Reiki Teacher who stays present with you along the way.

Too often, folx receive Reiki certification after a one-day workshop and then never speak to their teacher again!

I was extremely lucky to have a present, supportive Reiki Teacher and I know that’s a huge reason why my practice is so strong.

As a passionate teacher and infinite student of Reiki, I want to extend that same dedication to my community now.

I’m currently developing a Reiki Mentorship program that will offer a nourishing container for anyone who wants to go deeper into Reiki and commit to the magick of a Reiki Lifestyle.

The program is an incredible opportunity to enhance your personal mysticism and your inherent psychic healing abilities - which we ALL have and it is actually our BIRTHRIGHT to realize these gifts!!!

I’ll be announcing dates soon for my upcoming Reiki Trainings and info about the Mentorship programs, so stay tuned in

Love and Magick,

Amber Renee

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You don't learn Reiki, you remember it


Your Triggers Are a Portal