Tuning Into Moon Magik
The Libra Full Moon is upon us! Full Moons are so energizing. I think of Full Moon time as a check-in at the halfway point between each New Moon.
Under the cloak of the dark moon we want to be goal-setting and getting our hands dirty with details as the energies wax toward fullness. Full Moon time brings a surge of enlightenment that can act as a beacon toward continued fruition as we move once again into the darkness of another New Moon.
a painting of a person floating in a bubble on water above a large bright full moon. artist unknown.
The moon is my favorite elemental body to work with.
The moon is reliable.
Paying attention to the moon phases and transits helps to orient us toward meaning and awareness.
When we relate our life situations, emotions, desires and needs to the movements of the moon, we anchor ourselves into the ebb and flow of natural cycles. We remember that we are intrinsically interconnected and we feel more whole, therefore we feel more at ease.
The moon is one of the most easily accessible tools available to the mystic. Unlike other mystical entities such as holy deities, Source energy or spirit guides, the moon is something tangible that we can actually see.
We know the moon’s energy is directly influencing how we feel at all times because we can see it affecting the ocean tides, plant growth, flower blooms and animal behaviors.
The moon creates an undulating river of subtle energy that runs through you and me and all living things. Tapping into the river is like tuning into a radio station that plays emotions 24/7.
When we listen to this cosmic information it expands our understanding not only of our emotions but also of our reactions to them.
Reflecting on our experiences in this way allows us to perceive ourselves from a neutral perspective, which can magically dissolve any judgements, fears, doubts or confusion that might be obscuring our ability to make decisions or take action.
Practicing ritual with the moon phases doesn’t need to be complicated. You can generate powerful energy just by connecting with the moon in meditation via your imagination.
If you have access to other tools such as:
Tarot Cards
Tuning Forks or Singing Bowls
use whatever you like. Follow your intuition and connect with the moon on your own, or you can follow a formal ritual.
I like to work somewhere between the formal and the improvised ritual. It’s helpful to study many different moon rituals so you can discern what’s best for you.
Here’s a very simple moon ritual you can do. If you don’t have a candle, just trace a circle in the air around you and make the declaration of safety. If you don’t have crystals or cards, just skip those parts. Remember to trust your discernment; if something doesn’t feel right, you can modify or leave it.
Light a candle near a window or outside.
Declare that the burning candle creates a safe and sacred space for you to commune with the cosmos.
Intend to connect with the energy of the moon.
If you’re using crystals, ask that they transmit energetic codes between you and the moon.
Pull cards for clarity and guidance.
Meditate for at least 15 minutes with your eyes closed or with a soft gaze on the candle flame (or on the moon if you can see it!).
Note in your journal any sensations, emotions, ideas, thoughts, images, words or phrases that passed by your mind.
Ask that the moon continue communicating with you in your dreams.
Snuff out the candle, send gratitude for the communion and fall asleep.
During the day, if you catch a glimpse of the moon in the sky, know that you are supported and guided by this cosmic energy.
Be open to receive.