What is a Guided Inner-Journey?

A mystical human emerges into the light from behind a veil in the darkness. This is the mood of a Guided Inner-Journey.

My two most popular offerings are the Reiki Massage and the Guided Inner-Journey.

These healing services are both designed to:

  • regulate your nervous system

  • reduce physical pain

  • calm mental anguish and

  • help you explore the unknown, misunderstood or confusing parts of yourself and your personal life experiences

In this post, I’ll be explaining everything you might want to know about the Guided Inner-Journey offering. My previous blog post was focused on the Reiki Massage, so be sure to check that out if you’re interested.


The Guided Inner-Journey can be done in-person or remotely over Zoom. It is a dynamic energy healing session in which you actively explore your inner-world while being gently guided by me with prompts and questions that allow enlightening information about you and your issues to be revealed.


The concept of an Inner-Journey stems from the age-old technique of Shamanic Journeying. In a traditional Shamanic Journey, an initiated medicine person will induce themselves into an altered state of consciousness and proceed to traverse through Non-Ordinary Reality (aka the Otherworlds, alternate dimensions or non-physical realms) in search of spirit guides, lost soul parts, harmful entities and symbolic insights in order to bring their ailing patient back to homeostasis. Typically the patient won’t be engaged in this process at all, and will never know exactly what occurred during the medicine person’s otherworldly travels.

In our modern age, however, humans now are obviously functioning in a completely different paradigm than the one our ancient ancestors knew. The average person has grown in their ability to conceptualize meaning beyond the rational mind and to immerse themselves in creative imaginings that extend beyond limiting beliefs. Because of this, most individuals are fully capable of learning how to engage in their own personal form of Shamanic Journey work.


The benefits of doing your own personal journey work are vast and great.

  1. It helps to sharpen your subtle senses (aka your psychic senses).

  2. It strengthens your connection to your intuition and your ability to trust yourself.

  3. You will likely meet spirit guides, healers and teachers during your Inner-Journey, and these networks of spiritual helpers can be tapped into for mental/emotional support at any time after the session.

  4. Often you’ll be able to see your issues or situations from a totally new perspective, and sometimes you can even positively alter the energy of traumatic events from your past.

  5. In Non-Ordinary Reality, you can harmonize the energy behind your relationships, transform problematic mental/emotional patterns and experience potent Inner-Child healing.

  6. The Inner-Journey is a tool that allows your consciousness to unfold and it opens a path that can lead you toward wholeness.


As one might imagine, a journey through Non-Ordinary Reality requires an open mind and perhaps a bit of finesse to help the rational, logical mind feel safe enough to retreat into the background. This is why it’s advantageous to practice with an initiated, skilled and trusted healer who can hold space for you and guide you through the process. After all, you are traveling through the landscapes of parallel dimensions while in an altered state of consciousness, where you’re presumably in unfamiliar territory and there’s no map!


Your altered state of consciousness will be induced gently by me via a guided meditation while I channel Reiki to you in a tranquil environment. Once your mind and body are relaxed, the journey will begin. Your physical sensations will act as a portal of sorts, which can be used to shift your awareness out of Ordinary Reality and into the more energetic or feeling-centered realms of Non-Ordinary Reality. From there, the session is being Divinely guided and I am simply a facilitator for the healing. You will now be exploring your inner-world in a dream-like adventure through the landscapes of your subconscious and your energy field.

I will be helping you navigate your experience by asking pertinent questions, offering direction when needed, actively listening and taking notes on every single thing you say throughout the session. You will be conscious, awake and aware of everything that’s happening. At the end, we’ll have some time to chat about what occurred, perhaps make some sense of it and help you begin to integrate the spiritual/mental/emotional shifts that may have been activated.


This is a mystical experience that sometimes defies explanation. It seems like our minds are hard-wired to commune with Non-Ordinary Reality in this way. It’s extremely common for Inner-Journey clients to discover that it’s rather easy for them to understand how to do it and they often find themselves spontaneously meeting guides or getting healed while in this altered state with minimal prompting from me. Even the most rigid skeptic or self-doubter has the potential to encounter healing with this technique.


I would love to share this transformative offering with you!

Each session is 2 hours and you can choose to do it in-person in Chicago or remotely from anywhere in the world.

Many people have found their healing sessions with me to be an integral piece of their healing process. You can check out my testimonials page to read some of their stories.

I so look forward to working with you, dear human. Feel free to direct any questions to me about this service in the comments of this blog, or email me via the contact form on my website.

Heal You Soon

Much Love, Amber Renee


Resistance and the Healing Crisis


What Is a Reiki Massage?