It is possible to take control of how you feel. photo collage created by me
How often are your obstacles self-created?
Most of us have an area of our lives where we tend to get in our own way.
For a long time, that concept didn’t make sense to me.
I would wallow in my tumultuous emotions, my insecurities and doubts, believing that someone else put me there or something in my external world needed to change before I could feel better.
living in eight of swords energy means
feeling stuck and unable to move forward
I was living as the Eight of Swords,
wanting to make progress but feeling stuck
unable to move forward
so afraid of healing or helping myself that I presumed the possibility didn’t exist
I was caged, bound and blindfolded by my own self-limiting attitudes.
For me, learning and practicing Reiki was my key to reprogramming those unhelpful belief systems.
It fostered an empowered sense of awareness and control over my thoughts and emotions.
It allowed me to recognize all the ways in which I was choosing victimhood.
Realizing how powerful that shift in mindset could be, I was able to get out of my own way with ease!
Living in ten of pentacles energy means
believing in your self-worth and inner-strength
When we transmute our self-limitations and begin choosing to believe in our self-worth and inner-strength, we begin to embody Ten of Pentacles energy, which is strong, secure and supported by the outer environment.
We find ourselves more able to discern where the lessons are in our struggles and where to turn for nourishment.
We trust our abilities and decisions. We feel aligned with prosperity and abundance.
Although it can greatly enhance and amplify the work, you certainly don’t need to go through an entire Reiki program to release that Eight of Swords energy and call in Ten of Pentacles vibes.
Through the power of your imagination you can begin creating this shift right now.