“everyone has a shadow side” photo collage created by me with CanvaPro
The “shadow” is an accumulation of:
your subconscious
the hidden conditioning from belief systems and emotional programming linked to your childhood experiences, influences from authority figures and various levels of trauma
the desires, reactions and behaviors that cause you to feel shame, guilt, confusion or fear
the judgements you project onto yourself and others
all your unprocessed and unintegrated pain
To “do shadow work” means:
turning toward the pain
examining and exploring where it came from, why it’s there and what it needs
processing what’s in the shadows with full awareness and non-judgement
This requires being present with thoughts and sensations that are unpleasant, allowing the energy to be seen, heard and understood.
Shadow work is important because it:
creates balance, harmony and empowerment within
allows previously impeded energy to flow
cultivates mental and emotional clarity, control and comfort
allows for the authentic expression of Self
“your darkest shadow is a portal to your brightest light” photo collage created in CanvaPro