Prismatic Healing

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Energy Clearing Tips for Dental Hygienists

This may seem random, but recently I’ve had several dental hygienists come into my studio for massages and they’re always in so much pain!

It inspired me to create a list of tips to help people in this profession clear the excess energy and physical tension that inevitably comes along with the work.

These tips are helpful for almost everyone, so even if you’re not a dentist keep reading!!

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a dental hygienist hunching over a patient in the dentist chair

The extreme forward, curved, curled-in posture held by dentists all day is outrageously stressful on the body.

Our skeletons are not designed to hold weight that way, and over time the spine loses flexibility which causes a ripple effect throughout the body. Eventually issues like limited range of motion, achy muscles, fatigue and mood disorders all become chronic in the body.

And that’s only the physical side of things! Just the act of hovering above multiple people’s open mouths all day presents a major opportunity for energetictransference to occur.

Any dental hygienist who neglects to cleanse and strengthen their subtle energy body on a regular basis is doing a disservice to themselves.

These tips aren’t only for dental hygienists. They will be helpful for anyone who:

  • spends a lot of time in a seated, forward-leaning posture

  • stares at a computer screen for many hours per day (the screen is energetically like a gaping open mouth)

  • works directly with diseases and disorders of the human body

  • works as a therapist, esthetician, nurse, doctor, etc

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energetic and physical maintenance is essential for living a joyful, pain-free life!


  • Say this declaration in your mind three times before and after every patient: I TAKE NOTHING FROM YOU, YOU TAKE NOTHING FROM ME

  • Swipe the energy off your body at the start of every break and at the end of your work day. Using your palms swipe your scalp, forehead, back of head, face, throat, chest, collar bones, arms and torso. At the end of each swipe, flick the energy off your hands and into the Earth where it will be transmuted into energetic fertilizer.

  • Wash your hands, arms and face with cold water before sleeping.

  • If you have hair, cover it or braid it during your shifts. Wash your hair before sleeping, especially if it was exposed while you worked.

  • Shake and flail your body around. Groan and make weird sounds. Scrunch and stretch your face. Do this whenever you need to clear your energy or break up stagnancy in the body.

  • Before leaning into a person’s mouth, imagine (see, sense, feel or think about) a force-field between you and them. The force-field can be made of iridescent or blue neon light. If there’s a different color or material you want to imagine as your force-field, go for it! There’s no wrong way, so long as you intend for it to support harmony in all directions. This visualization is great for when you’re working on a computer or phone screen as well.

  • Give yourself Reiki - even if you’ve never learned Reiki! Vigorously rub your palms together until you feel a tingling or warmth. Place your palms gently against your body, anywhere you want to feel soothed. Invoke the sensation of unconditional love and sense that energy pulsating out from your palms. Notice the sensation of unconditional love coursing through and around your body. Take a few deep breaths and spend at least one to five minutes here. Do this as many times throughout the day as you want! It is also a fantastic way to help yourself fall asleep. NOTE: If you have been attuned to Reiki, this exercise will be much more potent. You can incorporate any and all of the traditional Reiki healing hand placements. If you’ve been attuned to Level 2 or above, you can also use any of the traditional Reiki symbols to enhance this practice.

Choose one or two of these to focus on at a time and dedicate yourself to practicing them for 22 days. Make sure you take time to document how you’re feeling at the beginning, middle and end of the 22 days. This will help you have a tangible experience of the positive changes the new habit is having on your life. It can be challenging to integrate new habits into your daily life so go easy on yourself. 

While it is always important to be working on ourselves, we also need to invite in healing interventions from trusted sources. We’re not meant to do it all alone. Be sure to schedule regular massages and energy work sessions for yourself. Don’t get stuck in the cycle of waiting until you’re miserable to seek out healing, and only going when it’s really bad.

Massage and energy work should be treated as necessary maintenance for your well-being. Do you have your next healing session scheduled? If not, it’s time to book! Click here to see my availability and reserve your spot.

See you soon,

Amber Renee