I See You and I Know How Reiki Can Help
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I see you
Creatives, Parents, Partners, Queers, Leaders, Mystics, Healers
I see you working for something better. I see you in the goo of your transformations. I see you stepping into the darkness. I see you aware that the elements could overcome you, nervous and unafraid.
I see you, because I’m there with you. I’m there exploring the maps of ripples being written across the deep waters of our soul desires, our shadowed selves, our needs, our pain, our vast capacity to Love. You never need to tread the waters alone.
No matter who you are, here’s how I know will learning Reiki & Self-Mastery help YOU
*Creators, Influencers, Artists:
more ideas
better focus
dissolve your imposter syndrome
stronger magnetism
less affected by outside judgements
deeper understanding of the human condition
more patience
less combative
problem solving
intuitive understanding of your kids emotional reactions
deeper connection to unconditional love
less drained by other people's opinions
total comfort with your authentic expression
strength in vulnerability
deepen self-love and self-acceptance
*Healers, Witches, Readers:
sharpened intuition
better discernment
easily transmute outside energies
faster spellwork and manifestation
*Health Care Providers, Therapists, Counselors:
more empathy
less drained by your clients energy
become a warm healing presence to your clients
cultivate an ability to connect dots
imagine innovative solutions
Are you ready for it? There’s two ways I can help you bring Reiki into your life.
Join the Reiki Expansion & Mentorship program! Click the button below to see what round we’re currently in and claim your spot
Reiki Expansion & Mentorship
Sign up for a Reiki Attunement or Self-Care Mastery Classes only. If you’re not ready to commit yourself to a Reiki Mentorship, you can take a one-day Reiki workshop or join the next round of Self-Care Mastery classes that start on April 6th
Reiki Training
Self-Mastery Classes