The Truth About Distance Reiki

Interested in Reiki healing but think you need to try it in-person first?

It’s time to suspend your disbelief

Here’s four common misconceptions I hear about Distance Reiki & clarifications to help subside your hesitation:

1. “I won’t feel anything”

Maybe you won’t, but most likely you will. The majority of my clients report feeling warmth, tingling, pulsing or gentle pressure. And everyone, at the very least, feels more grounded. Yes, physical touch is revitalizing, but it’s not necessary to feel the rejuvenating effects of Reiki.

2. “I won’t be able to fully relax if I’m at home”

I know it can be a challenge, but don’t let it be an excuse. People often find it MORE difficult to relax when in-person, believe it or not. In your personal space, your nervous system has the chance to be completely at ease. If you live with others, declare “Me Time” during the session & lock yourself in a room. The effects of the session also won’t be ruined if you’re up & about or happen to get interrupted.

3. “The work will be more thorough and accurate in-person”

Actually, without the physical body demanding attention, I’m able to go much further into your energy field. The information retrieved during Distance Reiki sessions is typically more detailed than what comes through when in-person. This depth allows your emotional & mental energy blocks to effectively dissolve even easier.

4. “It will seem like make-believe & won’t feel real”

That’s truly up to you. Even if you’re a full-on killjoy skeptic, there’s a chance you’d be questioning your beliefs on the other side of a session with me. And if you’re not that rigid in your limiting beliefs then why resist healing when your spirit is asking for it?

There’s practically no difference in the potency of energy work done from a distance vs in-person. We are conditioned to believe that the strongest experiences happen in the physical dimension, but that is just a story designed to keep us small. There’s a whole, rich reality existing outside our physical senses & each one of us is as real there as we are here.

In-person contact is vital to our physical health, but energy medicine works beyond the physical. And there’s so much healing that can be done there. Don’t delay your Reiki healing or training any longer, love. The energy is just waiting to reach out to you ~

Love & Reiki,

Amber Renee

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