Your Breath, Your Body & Your Intuition

Your breath is a bridge that helps you travel out of your mind and into your body

Noticing your breath is actually a potent tool for any of you who wish to cultivate more connection and trust in your intuition

Something that I think Western New Age ideologies get wrong about intuition is the belief that intuition exists only within the Third Eye

Your body and bodily sensations are, in fact, directly linked to intuitive information

How often are you really paying attention to your breath? 

Generally we’re not very connected to our breath, and many of us suffer from shallow breathing

This post is an invitation for you to pause and take a few deep breaths

Perhaps you can even place your hands gently on your belly and/or chest with your eyes closed and really enjoy the sensations your body gives you as your breathe

Pay attention to where your breath is going when you breathe in and where your breath is going when you breathe out

It’s as simple as that. You can practice this for a few seconds or several minutes - whatever suits you in the moment.

If you’ve ever experienced chronic over-thinking or chronic pain then you’re well aware of the challenges that arise with listening to and trusting what your body is telling you

Creating a healthy habit around connecting to your breath is a wonderful and easily accessible beginning step to strengthening your relationship to your intuition

What’s possible when you regularly engage with your breath?

  • Your nervous system shifts out of “fight or flight” and into “rest and digest” with more ease

  • Your mind-chatter gets quieter

  • You become more aware of you body

  • Your fear and worry dissipate

  • You’re more capable of listening to the signals your body sensations are sending

  • You feel more centered and grounded

  • Your inner-trust gets stronger

  • Your decision making gets easier

  • Your intuition becomes more clear

  • Your ability to cope with the stress of daily life increases

  • Your sensitivity to news stories, media and even other people’s emotions lessens

Life lately has felt like it has a chokehold on us lately with inflation hitting the grocery stores hard, the violence of wars being live-streamed to our phones and the collapse of our societal/political structures imminent

Nurturing a conscious relationship with your breath is a powerful tool for self-care and for enhancing your intuitive abilities (both of which work to support your ability to navigate these unprecedented times!)

But for optimal results you’ll want to combine your breath routine with other healing tools and spiritual practices

Here’s some ways that my offerings can help!

Massage Therapy assists you to dissolve the layers of pain and discomfort that muffle or distort your body’s ability to communicate with you clearly

Psychic Reiki assists you to dissolve the layers of conditioning and beliefs that hold you back from realizing your full potentials

Guided Inner-Journeying assists you to see your history and your identity with new perspectives

I also offer an exclusive 6-week intensive healing package that combines all three services to accelerate your personal evolution through a deeply insightful process that carries you safely through an intentional inner-transformation. This is not listed anywhere on my website or my online scheduler. You must inquire directly.

Drop me an email with the word “TRANSFORM” in the subject line and I’ll send you more info with no obligation to join!


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