Prismatic Healing

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You don't learn Reiki, you remember it

You don’t learn Reiki, you remember it.

Reiki means Universal Life Force Energy

Rei = spirit, spiritual, secret meaning, hidden force

Ki = energy, life force

Reiki energy is already pulsing through you, just as it is pulsing through the entire web of life and consciousness

You are energy - everything is energy

Learning about Reiki means learning about your True Self

Learning to channel Reiki means you are remembering how to tune into your inherent connection with the electromagnetic force that gives you life

The Universal Life Force energy is so neutral that it mirrors the purity of Unconditional Love

This is Life Force that is unaffected by fear, worry, doubt, anger, violence or judgements

It can never do harm, it can only be supportive

Learning Reiki means remembering that you are never alone...

and that you are far more powerful that you’ve been led to believe

When you’re attuned to Reiki, your connection to Life Force energy is amplified more and more, allowing you to heal, manifest and co-create with ease



Co-creating alongside the Intelligent Universe…

These things are your BIRTHRIGHT

You are already naturally capable of achieving these skills!

But the patriarchal capitalist society we’ve been living in for so long has effectively brainwashed the general population into thinking we are helpless victims of circumstance and we need some authority figure to take care of us

Learning Reiki helps you realize how false that belief system is...

Learning Reiki gives you a powerful tool to:

hack the system!

fight oppression!

return harmony to humanity!

Reiki is a key to creating Peace on Earth!

If you’re ready to level up and amplify your innate powers, my next Reiki Level One Trainings are coming up soon

and my Reiki Level One Mentorship starts on March 23!

Upcoming Reiki Level One Virtual Trainings:

(this is a prerequisite for joining the Mentorship!)

Feb 12

March 5

March 10

Click here for more details,

and feel free to reply to this email with any questions

I can’t wait to guide you in the Reiki way ~

Love and Magick,

Amber Renee

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