Prismatic Healing

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Your Triggers Are a Portal

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MENSTRUATION … did I get your attention? ;)

Recently in a private FB group, someone (a woman!) told me I was “oversharing” and she “felt sick” because I mentioned the fact that I menstruate. WTF. Menstruation is magical. It’s also gross and messy and, for a lot of us, debilitating and painful and extremely challenging.

I started menstruating in the FOURTH FUCKING GRADE. And it was intense from the start. Agonizing pain and rivers of blood. Imagine...every 28 days or so...for TWENTY-PLUS YEARS...feeling like your reproductive organs are trying to kill you from the inside out. That’s literally been my life experience as a menstruating person. (Side note: Weekly acupuncture was my cure! Over the years it reduced these extreme symptoms down to a tolerable level. All hail the Needles!)

So ya, I’m gonna fucking talk about it. And I won’t tolerate being shamed or silenced for it.

If you ever find yourself triggered by someone else’s personal life experience and you are met with an urge to tell them you’re uncomfortable, please pause first and consider:

1. Are these words actually harmful in any way?

2. If I choose to remain silent, would I be complacent to explicit harm toward a community or people I care about?

If you answer NO to either or both questions, then you better move on and point that energy inward.

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Telling someone that you’re uncomfortable about their life experience is selfish. You’re taking your own issues and making them someone else’s responsibility. You’re saying “I don’t have the maturity to regulate my own emotional reactions to the world around me. Coddle me.”

Instead of expecting others to baby your sensitivities, take time to examine them. Every time you’re triggered by something, it’s an opportunity to understand yourself better and grow.

Instead of throwing the burdens of your emotions onto the people around you, ask yourself:

1. Why do I feel triggered by this?

2. What fear/shame/guilt am I carrying around this subject?

We live in a world full of emotional triggers. Your triggers reflect your Shadows. They are a portal to wholeness if you harness the wisdom and power they hold.

What are your triggers and how do you deal with them in a healthy way? Let’s talk about it

If you’re ready to confront your triggers and become more whole, my Lunar Shadow Rites program is a sacred, safe, 5 week adventure lead by me with Reiki, Tarot and Moon Magick, to help you explore your Shadow with fearless curiosity.

The next cycle starts THIS THURSDAY 1/7 but there’s still time to sign up

Lunar Shadow Rites